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Prepare for what is to come...(WW3, Armageddon, etc.)

So many emotions run through me when I think about what is to come. I think the disciples felt the same anxiety, fear - all the way to intrigue and awe.

Whenever I get into this conversation, I feel that if anyone knows what is to happen, it would be God himself. The only one that knows is God. Jesus was God in the flesh, though he, too, indicated he didnt even know - that only the Father knows.

So, he has to know something, right? Of course.

Matthew 24 is an excellent study - and it really puts into perspective how we should react in these times. The truth and the "way" through these times are WITH the truth - Jesus.

Matthew 24:4-8

4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many.6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

A LOT of interesting things here.

1. False Messiahs

I think in our time if someone comes and says "I am Jesus! I am the Messiah" - we would laugh at him. (at least I hope you would!) When I read this I think about all the times that folks are preaching about the end times and installing fear into readers. Fear is NOT a tactic to be used because it goes against biblical teaching. Jesus preached against anxiety saying, "cast all your anxieties on me." So you are not to feel anxiety about the end.

The bible also teaches, "For God does not give you the spirit of FEAR, but of POWER, LOVE, and a sound mind!" 2 Timothy.

In all the things you read about the end - are you feeling fear? Test the spirits here.

2. Wars and Rumors of Wars.

Lets see, ummm - where do we begin here.





North Korea

China Vs. Japan

Do you need more evidence that its occurring? And here is the thing - folks, christian folks, are getting scared about the threats to the homeland. Well, folks, wake up, maybe? The same Jesus you profess as Lord has already warned you about this 2,000 years ago. It's going to happen. It has to happen because Jesus said it would. The man doesn't lie.

So whats the answer, here? Get right with the Lord. Jesus said to "not worry about your life." Worry about your relationship with Jesus Christ. Repent of your sins so if something DOES happen - well, you will be in heaven and it won't matter anyways, right?

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What about my family and friends, you ask?

Get them right with the Lord so they, too, can go to heaven! It is time to get serious about sharing your faith, people. Shout it from the mountain tops. "A lamp doesn't sit in the corner of the room covered up." No, it lights the whole room! Be a light! "You are the light of the World," declares Jesus!

Something to think about...

How would you survive if we were attacked by an EMP? There are things you can do to help yourself and your loved ones in the event of an EMP strike that would wipe out our power grid! More information on this here.

3. This is the beginning of Birth Pangs

This is only the beginning, folks. Birth pangs start speeding up as it gets closer to birth. Sit and ponder this question - havent you noticed how things just seem to be coming in waves?

One week it is Iran working on Nuclear war.

Another week, Syria unleashes a gas attack - yikes

Now a new week and, what do you know, North Korea wants to get into it!

Not to mention those scumbags in the mountains killing our brother and sisters in Christ in Afghanistan and the surrounding regions. (Their name is not worth mentioning other than cowards)

It is real - it is happening right in front of us. Written 2,000 years ago from our savior.

So what should you feel?

I feel excitement, I can't tell you what to feel. I am excited for many reasons, but the more you see happen, the more authentic the Bible becomes. Prophecy after prophecy fulfilled. Not only that, it means Home is almost here! Though we love our families, though we love how our society is in America - we HAVE to remember that we are visitors here. We are "NOT OF THIS WORLD"

I leave you with this beautiful scripture to summarize how you should feel.

Luke 12:32

"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom."

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